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Our Plans For 2024

As we have in previous years, we will take advantage of every opportunity to improve our communities' understanding of the veteran suicide crisis by addressing local organizations and speaking at local veteran related events. We will focus on bringing attention to those veterans who have made the decision to "go it alone." It is this group of veterans who drive the terrible statistics associated with the veteran suicide crisis, yet there are few organizations who pursue programs to connect with them. When engaging veteran related organizations, we will present a suggested program that will create a new tribe for separating veterans as well as a "buddy" system to help with their trainsition to civilian live. 

We at Save A Vet Now firmly believe that mental health eduction is the key to eliminating the debilitating stigma our society attaches to mental health. It is our goal for 2024 to identify effective and affordable mental health training, to partner with those who offer it, and to make the training available throughout our communities.

As the Save A Vet Now Veterans Outreach Program grows, we find it takes much more than the individual donations we receive to keep the Program adequeately funded. This lack of adequate funding places a burden on our partner, Coastal Horizons, as they administer the Program for us. In an effort to rectify this situation, Save A Vet Now will conduct a concerted effort to solicit corporate sponsors for the Veterans Outreach Program.

Win Original Artwork from A.M. Vivaldi Watercolors In Our September Raffle.

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